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Lockwood & Co
Will 3 very different teens be able to figure out the truth behind the mysteries surrounding them as they run their paranormal agency?

Can two brothers, who are on the path to hunt monsters, find their true purpose in life and save the world?

The 100
When 100 exiles from a dying space station are sent back to earth after the nuclear apocalypse to test if the earth is habitable, will they be able to survive?

When a girl is shipped to a special school of outcasts after her retaliatory prank in high school goes wrong, will she find what she has been unknowingly looking for?

Vampire Diaries
When a woman finds herself stuck between two brothers, will she ever find out that they are much more than what she thought possible?

The Mentalist
Can a reformed con man, whose wife and daughter was murdered by a serial killer, find justice and revenge for them?

The Witcher
Will a mutated monster hunter, The Geralt of Rivia, who is feared all across the world, be able to fulfill his destiny?

Fate The Winx Saga
When a girl suddenly comes face to face with her hidden heritage and the world of magic, will she be able to survive?

When a witch with extraordinary powers, who has been ostracized since she was a kid, decides to leave her village, what new adventures await her?

When the diamond of the season expected to find a husband and a reluctant duke decide to strike a deal to help each other, will they realize that love wont be thwarted?

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When a high school student who only wants to study is forced to fight the bullies, will he survive or thrive?