
When an innocent woman suddenly finds herself forgetting where she was and what she did, is she truly haunted, or is it something else?

This drama follows the life of a woman who has lived her entire life for others. She takes care of her mother, her friends and always puts herself last. But, suddenly, weird things have start happening around her. People who have wronged her seem to die one by one, and she had no memory of where she was during that time. Soon, she begins to suspect that something is seriously wrong with her. Things get more complicated when a strange professor meets her one day and claims that he is sent by her deceased father who she never knew before. He tells her that she is haunted by a evil spirit and only he can help her. This starts the beginning of a truly roller coaster journey of self-discovery and paranormal reality that she thought was impossible. Will she be able to find her happiness and keep her loved ones alive? Will he discover the reality behind the evil ghost? Watch to find out!

My Review….

I had high hopes for this one, but I was really disappointed. The acting may have been on point but the plot seemed to be all over the place. Even though it managed to keep the mystery alive till the last few episodes, I somehow lost interest quite early into the story. A lot of sub-plots seemed unnecessary and out of place. For example, the presence of the police officer seemed pointless and just took screen time away from the real story. The absentee father was another disappointing idea that was frankly not needed in this story. Also, the true story behind the ghost when unveiled may have been painful, but her past in no way made sense. Even the mysterious grandmother’s role was quite frankly weird and unnecessary. What was even more hilarious and illogical was that instead of burning the body of the “ghost”, they burn a part of it to drive her away in the end. So, in short, this is one of those stories that start off great but by the time you reach the end, you find yourself highly disappointed by what you witnessed. So, frankly, I would say skip it unless you are a true horror genre fan and want to watch a spooky story. Be aware that this story may be a trigger for people who face depression or are having a hard time in general.

Story Line: 7.4/10

The originality of the plot: The plot is original but it’s a disappointing watch.

Acting of main protagonists: There is no romance in this one but the acting is great.

Ending: Happy

No of Seasons: 1

Total  Episodes:  12

English Subtitles Available? Yes

Stream it or Skip it? Skip It!

Where can you stream it? Hulu

An avid fan of the supernatural mystery and horror genre? Then this might not be a great watch for you! 

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